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Corrie Ten Boom
Keeper of the Angels’ Den
Written by:
Janet & Geoff Benge
Narrated by:
Janet & Geoff Benge
10 hrs and 35 mins
(2,169 ratings)
The harsh lights stung Corrie’s blackened eyes as she entered the Gestapo-controlled police station in Haarlem. How true her elderly father’s words had been that quiet evening before Hitler’s madness descended on Holland: “Germany will invade Holland. We will lose. God help all those in Holland who do not call on His name.” Suddenly, Corrie’s ordered life was lost in the insanity of war. With bravery and compassion, her family and countless other … Read More
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Listen free for 7 days
Corrie Ten Boom
Keeper of the Angels’ Den
- Stream unlimited Christian audiobooks and music for one low monthly price.
- Listen to Whillo for as low as $7/month!
- Subscription includes access to iOS and Android apps as well as an online player.

Written by:
Janet & Geoff Benge
Narrated by:
Janet & Geoff Benge
10 hrs and 35 mins
(2,169 ratings)
The harsh lights stung Corrie’s blackened eyes as she entered the Gestapo-controlled police station in Haarlem. How true her elderly father’s words had been that quiet evening before Hitler’s madness descended on Holland: “Germany will invade Holland. We will lose. God help all those in Holland who do not call on His name.” Suddenly, Corrie’s ordered life was lost in the insanity of war. With bravery and compassion, her family and countless other … Read More
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We generally use Whillo every day to listen to music!
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Whillo is an app that we’ll most certainly keep using long-term.
Have a beautiful day!